Most cost efficient solution to communication between languages.

It is free. Available here. Most time efficient solution to communication between over 1000 languages.

Humans need to communicate with each other all over the world, especially in emergencies.

There are over 1000 languages on our planet. Many lives are lost and much misery caused by language misunderstanding. Only about 10% of people understand English worldwide. But it takes years to learn hundreds of senseless idioms and thousands of irregularities and exceptions of English grammar and spelling.
International Vocabulary is an inter-language vocabulary designed for quick, efficient communication between languages. It is not meant to replace any language but has the potential to save lives and save taxpayers and businesses thousands of dollars. And it is a stepping stone to learning English.

Most of the necessary grammar can be learned in a day. Has no exceptions.  Some groups can be communicating directly in a month.

All words spelled as pronounced. All verbs regular. No idioms.

Scientifically planned for inter-language communication the vocabulary for 80-90 percent understanding can be learned in as little as a month. 300-999 international word roots provide 80-99 percent understanding without years of memorization.  A free dictionary provides for any additional words and eliminates years of study.

Does not replace anyone's language!                Helps people learn English.

Helps raise childrens IQ. Turns children on to Geography and Social Studies when used with pen pals from around the world.

Makes learning other languages easier.

Companies can save thousands of dollars in training costs.

SAMPLE. La inteligenta persono lernas. Internacia lingvo estas la moderna, kultura lingvo por la tuta mondo. Simpla, fleksebla, ghi estas la praktika solvo de la problemo de internacia interkompreno & meritas vian konsideron. (The intelligent person learns. International language is the modern, cultural language for the whole world. Simple, flexible, it is the practical solution of the problem of inter-national mutual understanding & merits your consideration.)

International Vocabulary is a scientifically designed and proven vocabulary that enables speakers of different languages to successfully communicate in a minimum of time and with a minimum of cost.
It is easy to learn because it contains international words common to many languages. People already recognize a large percentage of these word roots. This vocabulary is over 50 percent English.

Because this vocabulary builds words by combination and by adding prefixes and suffixes, thousands of words can be created without having to memorize them in advance. Scientific studies show that a basic vocabulary of about 850 word roots is equal to over 6000 English words and easily forms over 50,000 practical meanings, providing 85-99% understanding. This cannot be done with English, as English requires over 6000 words to cover 90% understanding because of its irregular word formation and ambiguity.  English has over 8,000 idioms and thousands of irregularities and exceptions.

The grammar rules have no exceptions. All words are spelled as pronounced and pronounced as spelled. All verbs are regular. There are no exceptions or irregularities to spend years learning and no idioms.

Feel free to check out any and all of the statements in this document. A scientific research bibliography is available.

This is not meant to replace any language rather it is:
 The quickest way to interlanguage communication between speakers of different languages without resorting to expensive and mistake prone translators and WITHOUT SPENDING THE MANY YEARS IT TAKES TO LEARN ENGLISH OR OTHER LANGUAGES.

Companies can save thousands of dollars in translating and/or training costs by using a basic international vocabulary based on high utility words (50% English).  Example:  A company needs to use several workers on a project who do not understand each other's languages.  Rather than spending several years to learn each other's language or hire expensive translators, better to send then in advance learning materials for international vocabulary.  Then get them together for a few weeks to practice using it together, using a teacher.  This group could be up and communicating directly with each other in a month.
This offers THE MOST TIME EFFICIENT AND COST EFFICIENT SOLUTION to the problem of communication between languages. Business can be conducted directly and privately without expensive translators.

 Most people do not have time to learn other languages and most non-English speakers do not have the years it takes to learn English. (No matter how much we want them to)  But International Vocabulary can be learned according to scientific tests in one quarter the time as any other language.

We could save over 900 million dollars a year
if the UN was told to use International Vocabulary instead of that expensive translation into six languages. (Nearly all of that translation goes into the trash within a few weeks.)  Millions of dollars are wasted on translation to multiple languages. Everyone wants speeches to be translated and printed into their languages and they want us to pay for it.

Every human should be able to communicate with every other human especially in emergencies. Humans need to understand each other. This vocabulary makes possible for humans to be able to understand each other without years of study.

Currently it is being used in over 90 countries and has over two million speakers worldwide. Many have email addresses and are willing to help. It has been fully tested and used by professionals, and individuals with success. There are several worldwide publications using it.  Books and international magazines are available in many countries.

This inter-language vocabulary is for use between speakers of different languages. People who have a common native language such as English should go on using it. Learning this vocabulary helps one learn words from many languages. International Vocabulary should be learned by those who might have to communicate with someone who does not understand English. If some people in each community did this around the world this would open up a communication channel all around the world and the terrible language problem would be solved.


Copy the following text. It is free. Print it study it.  Translations and tapes of this international vocabulary, which is also known as Esperanto, are available in many languages. Picture books are available in case of a language that does not have a translation.  There are also online self-tutors such as the Hyper Course which can be found at the web site ....... Or go to   Also a nice series of sheets called Esperanto quick learning sheets which can be folded and carried in the pocket for learning on the go are available free with a  large self addressed stamped envelope or for cost and postage from


Welcome! This vocabulary is the easiest of all to learn and you will learn many words from many languages. But to be fluent you will still have to practice at least a few minutes daily. The following pages provide instruction in the most important words first. Use blank file cards to jot down phrases and words you particularly want to remember. While one is waiting for the elevator, or in line, in the bathroom, or on hold there exists a few moments one could use to advantage to learn a new word or phrase. There may be many of these learning moments one can squeeze into a day. Learning tapes and aids are available. Actively listening to tapes while driving, riding, walking or jogging is an even greater way of learning. The more one thinks and speaks the faster one will master it. To practice and learn with others in a cafe or on the go is a fun way to learn.

If you don't believe the time claims in the above try lesson 1.  It claims that you can learn the entire endings for every verb in the language for present past and future in about 3 minutes.  Can you do that with any other language?

Lesson 1   (About 3 minutes)


All verbs end in "as" in the PRESENT TENSE.
Ken helpas Lisa.     Ken helps Lisa
Mi havas      I have
Vi telefonas.      You telephone.
Shi korespondas.      She corresponds.

To form the PAST TENSE just add "is".  This works for all verbs in the language.
Ken helpis         Ken helped.
Mi havis.      I had
Vi telefonis. You telephoned.
Shi korespondis.  She corresponded.

To form the FUTURE TENSE add, "os".  Works for all verbs in the language.
Ken helpos          Ken will help.
Mi havos     I shall have
Vi telefonos     You will telephone.
Shi korespondos.     She will correspond.

End of lesson 1.

You have just learned all of the endings for every verb in the entire language for present past and future in about 3 minutes.
You cannot do that with any other language?   In all other languages you must learn hundreds of verb forms and sometimes many irregular endings.   And did you notice that the international vocabulary was so much like English that you hardly needed translation.

Lesson 2  (about three minutes)

You will see all of the singular endings of every noun, adjective and adverb in the entire language.  And all of the forms of the word the. (There is only one.)

ALL NOUNS END IN O.     Example HELPO   help       Only one ending. Works for every noun in the language.
ALL ADJECTIVES END IN A.    HELPA     helping         Same as above.
ALL ADVERBS END IN E.    HELPE          helpfully
La telefono      The telephone    That's it only one form no changes.

Genders to memorize.  None.
Idioms to memorize.  None
That's it.  Those are the singular endings of every noun, adjective and adverb in entire language.
One also cannot do that in any other language.  Many languages make you learn many many different forms which take hundreds of hours of study and practice to master.

End Lesson 2

Lesson 3 Internationality, Spelling, and Pronunciation (about 2 minutes)

This vocabulary is much easier to learn because it is more like English than any other language.  The English speaker will be able to recognize thousands of words.  Most words in this vocabulary are international words.  Some were created to be clear and unique to aid in understanding.  Over half are recognizable by English speakers.  French, German and Spanish speakers can also recognize about half.  This language is much easier to learn even for Chinese whose words are not similar.
All words are spelled as pronounced and pronounced as spelled.  No exceptions.  The sounds were planned to be clear sounding.  Each letter has only one sound. Pure vowels are used.  The table of pronunciation and the alphabet has been placed at the end of this document for quick reference.  

End Lesson 3

Lesson 4     Wordbuilding,  Opposites

Thousands of meanings are easily created by simple word building and using affixes.  This means that thousands of words and meanings can be created as needed without having to memorize new words.  This saves thousands of hours of study time.
An affix is either a prefix or suffix.    Examples are below:
The prefix mal when placed in front of any word changes it to the opposite meaning. Just learning this 1 prefix saves you from having to learn hundreds of words.

All adjectives end in -A.
BONA  good          MALbona  bad                             GRANDA  big    MALGRANDA  small
NOVA  new           MALNOVA  not new                   JUNA  young    MALJUNA  old
LA JUNA VIRO    the young man                               LONGA  long    MALLONGA  short
ANTAUhA  front    MALANTAUhA  behind             ALTA  high    MALALTA  low
MULTA  many       MALMULTA   few                     SIMILA  similar     MALSIMILA  unsimilar

End of lesson 4.  No other language offers the above time and money saving features.

Lesson 5  More easy wordbuilding (about 3 minutes)

Re can be added to any verb to form new meaning  help  rehelp  helpas  rehelpas

ist means professional person as dentist    dentisto

In means feminine and can be added to any word that makes sense dentistino  a female dentist

Et means smaller like English majorette  little glass    glaseto            riveret   rivereto small river

Eg means big  or bigger                    big glass  glasego                   big river    riverego

These suffixes work with any word in the entire language in which it makes sense.  Thousands of meanings can be created without prior memorization saving thousands of hours of study time, And cost, as time is money.  Sometimes time is more valuable than money.

End of Lesson 5

Lesson 6. All of the common personal pronouns and all of their forms. Only one form each. (About 3 minutes)

mi ESTAS    I am             vi ESTAS you are              li estas he is
ni ESTAS we are               ili ESTAS they are
shi ESTAS she is   (shi is pronounced like she)
ghi ESTAS it is (ghi is like jee in jeep)

End of  lesson 6. Only seven personal pronouns with only one form each. You can't do that in most other language.

Lesson 7. More words. (About 3 minutes)

SALUTON Hello.                      BONAN TAGON Good day.
BONAN MATENON. Good morning. -NOCKTON night -VESPERON evening
GhI ESTAS ALTA   It is tall                Ghi estas malalta          It is short
shi estas bona.    She is good.               Li estas malbona.        He is bad.
Helpo estas bona.         Malhelpo estas malbona.          Helpo kaj (and)
scio (knowledge) estas bona por ni. (for us)           Li kaj shi estas ili.
Li estas viro. (man) shi estas virino. (woman)  Ili estas personoj. (persons)
Ghi estas objekto. (object) Telefono estas objekto.

End Lesson 7.

Lesson 8 just more words.

Kio estas tio? (What is that?) Tio estas telefono.
Libro (book) estas objekto. La telefono estas sur (on) la tablo. (table)
La libro estas sur la tablo. La telefono kaj la libro estas objektoj. (objects)
Ken kaj Maria estas personoj. Ken estas la patro de (father of) Kori kaj Lisa.
Maria estas la patrino de (mother of) Lisa. Kori estas nur (only) ses.
Kori estas knabo. (boy) Li estas knabo. Lisa estas knabino. (girl)
Shi estas knabino. Lisa estas sep. shi havas birdon. (has a bird)
Note n is added to verb objects for clarity and to allow free word order.
Don't worry about it now as it comes easily with use.

The suffix -IN makes any word feminine.
VIRO man VIRINO woman PATRO father PATRINO mother
PATRO KAJ PATRINO father and mother
Patro, patrino, knabino kaj  (aj is pronounced as ky in sky.) knabo estas familio

End of lesson 8.

Lesson 9.  Plurals are all the same and are clear.  No exceptions.

Many plurals in many languages are irregular.  No so here.  The "s" sound of English is often not heard in noisy rooms or over radio transmissions so a clearer sound was needed.  That sound in this language is pronounced like the oy in boy.

Plurals are formed by adding J. OJ is pronounced as oy in toy.
BIRDO bird BIRDOJ birds KATO cat KATOJ cats TELEFONO telephone
TELEFONOJ phones TABLO table TABLOJ tables
la telephonoj kaj paperoj the telephones and papers
Kato estas BESTO (beast, animal) Birdo estas besto.
Sed ankauh (but also) estas la birdo kaj la kato en (in) la familio.
Jes (yes) sed la personoj ne estas (are not) bestoj. Unu du tri kvar kvin ses. (123456)
familio kun (with) kvar personoj. four persons
Kvar personoj kaj du bestoj en la familio. Four persons and two animals in the family. La personoj ne estas bestoj kaj la bestoj ne estas personoj. The persons are not animals and the animals are not persons.

End of Lesson 9.

Lesson 10.  More common words.

Ken estas la patro de Kori kaj Lisa,
kaj Maria estas la patrino de Lisa kaj Kori.
La numero (number) estas dudek kvar. (24)
Li iras (goes) al (to) la akvo. (water) La kato iras al la domo. (house)
La viro estas granda. (big) La infano (infant) estas malgranda.
Ni estas en la mondo. (world)
Kiu estas tiu? Who is that?
Tiu estas Ken. That is Ken.
Vi estas... You are ... Ghi estas birdo. It is a bird.
Note "a" as an article is not needed so it is omitted from this language.

End of lesson 10.

Lesson 11. What is that?
Make learning easy, keep asking yourself "What is that?" Kio estas Tio?

Note kio and tio refer to objects. Tio estas telefono. That is a telephone.
Tio estas libro. That is a book. Kio estas tio? What is that. Tio estas papero.
That is paper. La birdo ne estas kato. The bird is not a cat.
Mi ne estas objekto. I am not a thing (object).
Mi estas persono. I am a person.
To learn better say, and practice using these words in your own sentences several times a day.

Ask, "What is that?" Several times a day will make them stay!

End of lesson 11.

Lesson 12. PRONOUN ADJECTIVES  and possessive

The bird's nest.  If that is spoken there is no way of knowing in English how many birds. Is it the nest of one bird or many?   But in international vocabulary we say "La nesto de la birdo."  The nest of the bird. The last word can be made plural to show birds.
MIA  mine  my        NIA  ours            VIA  yours       ShIA  hers     LIA  his, of his
GhIA  its       ILIA  theirs       MIA NOMO ESTAS ....  My name is ....
LIA FRATO   his brother        ILIA DOMO   their house
Sinjoro (Mr.) Arnold estas mia frato.     Mr Arnold is my brother.
Che mia flanko estas bela floroj.   At my side are beautiful flowers.
Nun (now) estas la tempo. (time)    Hodiauh estas nun.   Today is now.
Nia grupo lernas.    Our group learns.     Shia demando (question)   Her question
Mia respondo (answer)       My answer

End of lesson 12.


Lesson 13. Tell me whether.

Chu (pronounced chew as in chewing gum) is a question word meaning do, is, are, does or tell me whether.
ChU shI SIDAS? Does she sit?
ChU LI STARAS? Does he stand? ChU NI LERNAS? Do we learn?
ChU VI KOMPRENAS? Do you understand?
Jes mi komprenas.
Chu vi havas monon Do you have money Ne mi ne havas monon.
Chu shi vidas? Does she see.
Nun mi vidas. Now I see.
Chu ni havas suficha tempon? Do we have sufficient time?

End lession13.

Kiel vi estas? How are you?
Kion vi faras? What are you doing?
Kion ghi faras?  What is it doing?
bona amiko good friend
amiko auh malamiko friend or foe
Kiu estas shi? Who is she? Ce la tempo. At the time.
Post la saluto after the greeting (salute)
parolas pri rajto speak about right
ni ricevas we receive
Mi shatas.... I like....
Li pensas he thinks ili uzas they use ili rigardas they look
pli auh malpli more or less ni scias we know Shi vokis she called

End of lesson 13.

Lesson 14.

La birdo estas sur la tablo. The bird is on the table.
SUB (under) ANTAUh (in front)
MALANTAUh (behind) APUD (near)

La birdo iras (goes): super la domo (above the house), supre (up),
malsupre (down), tra (through), en la aero (in the air), lauh la vojo
(along the path), flanka (beside), al la kato (to the cat), for (away from)
kiam (when), tiam (then), ofta (often), malofta (not often), frue (early)
jhus nun (just now), alta ol (higher than)
oni kiu pensas one who thinks

Use the language daily to make it stay in memory. If you don't use it you will lose it.

End of lesson 14.


In addition to helping people communicate worldwide, it is hoped that it will help prevent deaths and suffering. When words fail sometimes people suffer, whether it may be from lost business to lost lives. Now mis- or noncommunication is a factor in ten percent of aircraft crashes (USA Today). When communication fails sometimes battles begin and people die needlessly. This can happen between individuals or groups, on city streets, in bordering lands, between countries, and even in a missile launch control center.
    International Vocabulary has the potential to save lives and prevent much human suffering caused by misunderstanding or non-communication between languages. Most people are unaware that there has been much loss of life and human suffering caused by inter-language misunderstanding or noncommunication. Examples are loss of life in aircraft accidents (such as Boeing 707 crash in Cove Neck N.Y.); ship accidents (Andrea Doria). Others have died or been injured by lack of warnings or directions in a language they understood.

It is becoming more important that humans be able to understand each other especially for business and in emergencies. There are times when human life depends on communication. (Such as with pilots, and emergency and medical personnel) Even when traveling in foreign lands a basic international vocabulary can be helpful. Imagine being in a part of a city where you need help and no one around you speaks English. Language misunderstandings can happen more frequently now as there are increasing numbers of non-English speakers sometimes as high as 30-70% in some locations in many US cities.

Lesson 15.  Numbers

1 UNU, unua 1st
 2 DU, dua 2nd
 3 TRI, tria 3rd
 4 KVAR, kvara 4th
 5 KVIN, kvina 5th
 6 SES, sesa 6th
 7 SEP sepa 7th
 8 OK, oka 8th
 9 NAUh na ha 9th
10 DEK, deka 10th
 0 NUL
 100 CENT
 102 CENT DU
  200 DU CENT
 200 DU CENT
 200 DU CENT
1000 MIL

End of Lesson 15.

Lesson 16. Review

Review: Present verbs end in as, Past verbs end in is, and Future verbs end in os.
La viro skribas.      The man writes.
La viro skribis.   The man wrote.
La viro skribos.    The man will write.
Lisa dankas Ken.          Lisa thanks Ken.
Lisa dankis.          Lisa thanked.
Lisa dankos.        Lisa will thank.

The ending EG shows great size or degree.
The ending ET shows small size or degree. Think of majorette.
DOMO house domEGo mansion, domETo cottage

VARMA warm VARMEGA hot VARMETA lukewarm

The prefix RE shows repetition. IRAS goes
REiras returns, VENAS comes REvenas comes back, NOVA new,
REnovas renew, LEGAS reads, RElegas rereads, VIVI live REvivi relive
CHu vi deziras revivi la nokton? (night)

End of lesson 16.

 As the Internet becomes more international it is discovered that most of the people of the world do not understand or write English well. It appears that: Even many people who allegedly speak English often cannot write or understand messages in English. No one is able to understand messages written in more than a few of the over 1000 languages in use around the world.
Also 90% of the world s people do not understand English well, and will not have time to learn it in the next several years. Therefore there is a worldwide need for a solution to the world language problem at least in the short term, other than English as English takes years to master. This vocabulary has been recommended by UNESCO to be taught in schools around the world as a second language. It enables people to have contacts around the world and become international persons.

Lesson 17.

ALTA high PLI ALTA higher PLEJ ALTA highest
ALTE highly PLI ALTE more highly PLEJ ALTE most highly
La plej alta monto The tallest mountain
BELA FLORO pretty flower PLI BELA FLORO a prettier flower
LA PLEJ BELA FLORO the prettiest flower

AMO ESTAS LA PLEJ GRANDA IO EN LA MONDO Love is the greatest thing in the world.

End lesson 17.

Lesson 18.

KIE (kee-e) ESTAS LA BIRDO? Where is the bird?
KIE ESTAS LA LIBRO? Where is the book? GhI ESTAS TIE. It is there.
Eble vi trovos ghin tie. Perhaps you will find it there. IO some
TRO multoj (too many) tre granda very big
chio personoj all persons chiu persono each person
chi tiu persono this person (note chi indicates closeness)
chi tiu birdo, this bird, estas la plej granda, is the biggest

End lesson 18.

Lesson 19.
KIE VI LOGhAS? Where do you live?
MI LOGhAS TIE. I live there.
GhI ESTAS TIE. It is there.
UNU STRATO one street REKTE straight ahead OL DEKSTRE then right

AL LA ANGULO at the corner

UNU strato SUDEN one street south TRIA DOMO OL MALDEKSTRE third house on left

UNU LUMO NORDEN, one light north east orienten,
west okcidenten, up supren, down malsupren
End lesson 19.

Lesson 20.

-EJ (pronounced as ay in play) denotes the place used. KAFO coffee
kafEJo cafe LERNAS learn lernEJo school HUNDO dog hundEJo kennel
PREGhAS pray preghEJo church BANO bath banEJo bathroom
KUIRAS cook kuirEJo kitchen laborEJo workplace
Li estas malsata. He is hungry. Li iras al la kuirejo. He goes to the kitchen.
Ni iras al la kafejo. We go to the cafe.

End lesson 20.

Lesson 21 new words

Se vi vidas vi scias. If you see you know.
oni ke havas one that has li povas he can
la sama birdo the same bird
scias per vido know by sight
afabla viro de la mondo kind man of the world
ankauha grava aspekto another important aspect
auhdas la bestoj hear the animals
baldauh mi korespondas soon I correspond
blanka papero white paper

End lesson 21.

Lesson 22.

GE- is used to show those of both sexes.
filo son gefiloj sons and daughters, children
frato brother (as in fraternal) gefratoj siblings
patro father (as in paternal) GEpatroj parents
avo grandfather avino grandmother geavoj grandparents
amiko friend amikino female friend geamikoj friends of both sexes

End lesson 22.

Lesson 23. More vocabulary

bezonas vorton needs word
char mi estas certe because I am certain
chiam iras chirkuh la domon always go around the house
devas denove demandi must again ask
inter dekstro kaj maldekstro between right and left
diras al mi hodiauh tell me today
donas la foto al mi give the photo to me
suno donas lumo sun gives light
during the day dum la tago

End lesson 23.

Lesson 24.

BELA beautiful BELE beautifully
FINA final FINE finally LUDA play LUDE playfully MOLA soft
MOLE softly SANA healthy SANE healthily SIMILA similar
SIMILE similarly SUFIChA sufficient SUFIChE sufficiently
VARMA warm VARME warmly VERA truthful VERE truth-fully VOLA willing
VOLE willingly La vera viro parolas (speaks) vere. La bela birdo parolas bele.
La luda infano ludas (plays)
Chu ni havas suficha monon? Vola viroj helpas.
Yes I understand. LI KOMPRENAS PARTE. He understands partly.

Mi komprenas tute. (totally)
End lesson 24.

Lesson 25  More vocabulary.

ech Sinjoro Arnold even Mr. Arnold
tri fojoj trans three times across
tia formo such a form
laboras ghis la fino work until the end
hejma loko home location
iam jaroj sekvas sometimes years follow
kial komencas lasu mi studi why begin let me study
la kapo havas okuloj the head has eyes
legas la linio read the line
la mano metas the hand puts
mola nutrajho soft food
montras al mi show to me
neniam movas che nokto never move at night

End lesson 25.

SPECIAL OPPORTUNITIES An International Network of thousands of Contacts, helpers and special interest groups WORLD WIDE, many with e-mail addresses and specialties can be helpful. Over 2000 are listed in yearbooks and thousands more are available to help esperantists. Since they share a common language they can send a message to other esperantists in a few seconds around the world. There are Esperanto Yellow Pages on the Internet that list many resources for esperantists worldwide. There are world wide travel opportunities, discounts on tours, hotels and rent-a-cars and staying in homes of other esperantists. One can meet people from many countries at Esperanto conventions where no interpreters are needed. It is especially nice to be able to have a friend for a guide whom one understands and not to have to be at the mercy of commercial hawkers encountered in the tourist trade. Local esperantists can point out ways to save money, and places and things to avoid, or see which are often not even known to travel agents. Especially valuable to children and teachers, pen pals around the world can become friends, and answer questions. Classes can directly ask questions regarding any topic including all school subjects to others around the world. This greatly increases global awareness and international understanding while building international trust and brotherhood. A 6th grade teacher discovered that the kids became greatly motivated to learn about other countries and peoples when he showed them letters from people they could write to. Classes writing to classes become an educational experience and are easy with Esperanto. Learning is facilitated in several school subjects. Esperanto can be heard daily on short wave radio around the world.

Most important is the opportunity to communicate with speakers of over 1000 languages around the world without having to spend years learning them.

Lesson 26.

li posedas la nomo he owns the name
penas la parto try the part
sono de la piedo sound of the foot
la rakonto prenas the story takes
preskauh shajnas proksima almost seems near
tenas via sano keep your health
sen signifo without meaning
tero havas vivon earth has life
Ni volas lerni. We are willing to learn.
chi tiu estas la lasta frazo this is the last sentence
shi venis al mi. She came to me.
la venonta tago the next day
End Lesson 26.
Lesson 27. 

All infinitives end in i. RESTI to rest HAVI to have,
AMI to love, FARI to do ShI DEVAS FARI ION. She must do something.

LI POVAS FARI NENION. He can do nothing.

Each new root you learn can be made into many words by adding endings or affixes.

To make remembering easier think the words in phrases several times a day. Several times a day will make then stay!

Mi devas lerni! I must learn. Mi devas ami. I must love. Mi amas lerni.
I love to learn. Mi lernas ami. I learn to love. Li devas resti. He must rest.
Shi devas havi. Ghi havas nenion. Ni devas fari. We must do.
Kio estas tio? Tio estas auhto. Ken estas viro. Ken is a man. Maria estas virino.
Maria is a woman. Ken devas lerni. Amo estas bona. Malamo estas malbona.
Dio (God) estas amo. Ni amas vin. We love you.

End Lesson 27.

Lesson 28.

The prefix BO shows relationship by marriage.
FRATO brother BOfrato brother-in-law
FRATINO sister BOfratino sister-in-law
PATRO father BOpatro father-in-law
PATRINO mother BOpatrino mother-in-law

The suffix EBL shows possibility. EBLA possible, MOVEBLA moveable,
KOMPRENEBLA understandable, LEGEBLA legible
Chu li estas komprenebla? Jes (yes) li estas komprenebla.
Sed (but) la birdo ne (no, not) estas komprenebla.
Chu via bofrato sana? (healthy, well) CHu li revenas al via domo?
Chu la papero estas legebla? Kiam li reiros al tiu lando? When will he
return to that country? shi reiris tri fojoj. (times) malvarma dum (during)
End Lesson 28.

Lesson 29.

la mateno (morning)
Kafo che (at) matenmangho (breakfast) shi diras (says, tells)
al mi ia nomo (name) estas Lisa. Li montras (shows) al mi lia auhton.
(Note verb objects add an n for clarity similar to the English pronoun whom.
Don't worry about "n" as it will come naturally after a while.
This enables free word order) Li havas la birdon. La birdon li havas.
Some n's have been omitted to aid in quicker learning.
La besto manghas la floron. Familia chambro (chamber, room) estas granda.

The command form of verbs is formed by adding U to the root.
HELPU! Help! RESPONDU! Respond! or Answer! CHU shi HELPU?
Is she to help? BONVOLU RESPONDI! Please respond!
IRU ANTAUhEN! Go forward! AMU. Love!

La arbeto estas malgranda. La arbo (tree) estas pli granda. La arbego
estas plejgranda. Chu via auhto granda?

End Lesson 29.

Why is this not well known already?
It is still largely unknown even to many language experts and teachers because there is no large and powerful group to promote it as most governments and ethnic groups are promoting their own languages. There is tremendous chauvinism and bias and even psychological resistance to learning a language other than one's own native language. Many teachers are afraid that if students find out about how easy it is to learn it will cut down on the demand for languages they teach and they could lose their jobs. Many governments, leaders, groups and people in power stand to gain by putting this language vocabulary down and spread false information about it. For example they say that it is an artificial fad that is not practical. Not true. It has been used refined, tested, and used for over 100 years. Is that a fad? Artificial of course all languages are artificial but this one was scientifically planned to be used between speakers of different languages and does this job with more efficiency than any other language. It is artificial just like a car is an artificial horse. It seems to be practical to those of us who cannot understand many people who allegedly speak English, who even after years of study cannot maintain a good conversation in English but can do so with international vocabulary within a few months. It seems very practical to email ahead in a foreign land and be met by someone who I can understand and who knows the native language, customs, things to see and to avoid. It seems practical to be able to meet in a convention where people from 50-90 countries can all understand each other without paying for or need of a single interpreter. It seems practical to be able to do business with people from several countries without having to wait years for them to learn English.

Lesson 30.

Chu vi volus veni kun ni? Would you like to come with us?
Se vi helpus, ni sukcesus. If you would help, we could succeed!
Chu mi povus havi kafon? Could I have coffee?
Se nur ni havus paco! If only we had peace!

Birdoj iras en la aero. (air) Ili iras tra (through) la arboj.
Ili turnas dekstre (turn right) tiam ili turnas maldekstre.
(then they turn left) La birdo iras supre (above) la arbeto.
La kato piediras inter (between) la arboj kaj sub (below) la birdo.
La kato iras trans (across) la auhto. Kie (where) estas la birdo?
Ghi estas sur (on) la arbo. Tie (there) estas la birdo.
Nun Ghi iras en (in) la arboj. EL (from), AL (to), ChE (at),
OFT (often), POST (after), LAUh (along) la vojo (way, path)
Ni iras la la vojo. Ni legas (read) ofte. Vidu! (look)
Chu vi vidas la birdon? Kie Ghi iras? Ghi iras ....

End Lesson 30.

Lesson 31

Pardonas min! Pardon me! Chu ni komencu? Shall we begin?
Kiel oni diras....? How does one say....?
Diru ke denove. Say that again.
jhus nun just now antauh du jaroj two years ago
ni helpu unu la alian let's help one another
bonan sanon al vi good health to you
Chu shi telefonis? Has she called?
Tempo estas mono. Time is money.
Chu vi deziras manghi? Do you desire to eat?
La kafo estas bona. The coffee is good.
Chu ghi estas bona, malbona is it good, bad
Jesuo diris amu unu la alian. Jesus said love one another.
Ni deziras pacon. (peace) Ili bezonas (need) pacon.
Oni estas kion oni pensas. One is what one thinks.
Faru amon kaj afablo supra chio. Make love and kindness over all.
Amo kaj afablo estas plej grava. (most important)
End Lesson 31.

Lesson 32.

Yes I understand. Eo aperas bona lingvo. shi baldauh (soon) revenas.
Chu vi deziras iri al via hejmo. (home)
Dankon! Thank You! Ni iru (lets go) ghis! (until) la revido (we see again)
TEMPO (time)
KIOMA HORO ESTAS? What time is it? 1:23 unu du tri,
4:56 kvar kvin ses, 7:09 sep nul na , 8:00 ok horo, 10:00 dek,
11:00 dek unu, 12:00 dek du, 2:13 du, dek tri, 2:l4 du, dek kvar, 2:15 du, dek kvin.

End Lesson 32.

Lesson 33. Conversation

SALUTON! hello BONAN TAGON good day (MATENON morning, VESPERON evening)
GhIS LA REVIDO! Until next time!
How are you? Kiel vi statas?
Fine thanks, and you? Bone dankon, kaj vi?
How is your family? Kiel la familio statas?
How are things? Kiel che vi?
Good! (OK) Bone. (Not) Very Good. (Ne) Tre bone So, so. Sufiche bone.
I am glad. Mi ghojas.
My name is... Mia nomo estas...
What is your name? Kio estas via nomo?
I am warm (tired, busy) Mi estas varme, laca, okupita

End Lesson 33.

Lesson 34 Conversation 2.

Let me present Mr Ms, my friend, husband Lasu al mi prezenti
Sinjoron, Frauhlinon, mia amiko, edzo
It is a pleasure to meet you Estas plezuro koni vin
Please sit down join us. Bonvolu sidighi esti kun ni.
Do you speak (understand)?
Chu vi parolas (komprenas)?
Please speak slowly. Bonvolu paroli malrapide.
I like ... very much. Mi shatas ... tre multe.
I love .... Mi amas .... What Kio Who Kiu
How does one say ...? Kiel oni diras ...
What does that word mean? Kion tiu vorto signifas?
It was great pleasure for me. Estis granda plezuro por mi.
Just a moment! Momenton! Where Kie It doesn't matter Ne gravas
Perhaps Eble Excuse mi. Pardonu min.
Many thanks. Multan dankon.
What shall we do? Kion ni faru?
Can you inform me about.... Chu vi povas informi min pri
You're Welcome Ne dankinde

End Lesson 34

Lesson 35 Food.

I am ready. Mi estas preta.

LA MANGhO the meal mangheto snack
KION VI DEZIROS? What would you like?
KAFO coffee TEO tea AKVO water LAKTO milk
PANO bread BUTERO butter JELEO jelly ROSTAPANO toast
OVO egg BANANO banana FRUKTO fruit SUPO soup BAKA baked
TERPOMO potato FRANCFRITOJ french fries
BIFA beef SANDVICO sandwich TELERO plate
BIFSTEKO beef steak FIShO fish KOKO chicken FORKO fork
KULERO spoon TRANChILO knife
KUKO cake SALATO salad TOMATO tomato SAUhCO sauce
SALO salt DOLChA sweet
GLACIO ice GLACIAJhO ice cream See any International Language dictionary for other foods.
RIZO rice GUSTO taste DIETO diet
Pardonas min PLAChU PORTI AL MI ORANGhON. (pardon me) Please bring me an orange.

End Lesson 35

Writing fluency in can occur in a fraction of the time of English because it does not suffer the drawbacks of English. (the worst spelling & pronunciation and the most massive ambiguous vocabulary of all languages with over 8,000 idioms) As a second language English is very difficult for the average person to learn. The average person takes well over five years to write English well. In IV every letter has only one simple sound and all words are phonetically spelled--no exceptions. There are no difficult sounds to pronounce. The vocabulary is well developed and concise with few ambiguities or idioms. Research shows that the first 200 words replace over 4000 verbs. Research also shows that the vocabulary and grammar do the work of over 20,000 words. This is possible because of the large number of synonyms in languages. Over 30 common affixes can be used alone or will work with most words to form thousands of additional meanings without having to learn any new words.

IV successfully ends language discrimination by putting all speakers on a neutral and equal footing. Speakers are not forced to learn someone else's national language.

Lesson 36.

PLEASE SHOW ME THE WAY TO.... bonvolu montri al mi la vojon al....
SHOULD I GO STRAIGHT AHEAD ? Chu mi iros rekte? North South norden suden
East West orienten okcidenten
RIGHT LEFT dekstren, mal dekstren
FORWARD BACKWARD antauhen, malantauhen
ACCROSS THE BRIDGE trans la ponto
opposite, beside kontra , apud the school la lernejo

Let everyone clean in front of their own door and the whole world will be clean.
Lasu chiu purigi antauh ilia propra pordo kaj la tuta mondo estos pura.

End Lesson 36.

The vocabulary of IV is based on research and designed to provide maximum understanding in a minimum of time. It does this by eliminating thousands of needless memorizations required by all other languages such as: thousands of genders, irregular endings, irregular verbs, inflections, duplicate words, irregular grammar rules, irregular pronunciations, irregular spellings, irregular accents, idioms, and thousands of exceptions.

Lesson 37.

COLOR koloro
blue blua brown bruna gray griza
red rugha green verda yellow flava
orange orangha white blanka black nigra
light hela dark malhela light blue hela blua

End Lesson 37.

This inter-language vocabulary is based on, and is identical to the most modern and efficient language in the world. (Yes there is scientific documentation on this. See references.) This is an international language called "Lingvo Internacia" also known as Esperanto. Although virtually unknown in the United States, it has millions of speakers in over 100 countries. This scientifically planned language has thousands of international words and is very complete fully suitable for use by professionals. (It is not Spanish). Each year thousands of people from 40-80 countries attend meetings held around the world and use it in traveling, and business. With speakers in over 90 countries the possibilities are rich for international contacts and pen pals. IV turns many students on to languages. Many become motivated to go on to learn other languages.

Lesson 38.

CLOTHING vestoj (like vestments)
to wear PORTAS (as in portable)
button BOTONO shoe ShUO ring RINGO
pants PANTALONO skirt JUPO shirt ChEMIZO
cap-hat ChAPELO dress ROBO coat MANTELO
sock ShTRUMPETO stocking ShTRUMPO
undershirt SUBChEMIZO slip SUBJUPO

End lesson 38.

Every human being should be able to communicate with every other human on this planet but most cannot because of the tremendous language barriers of over 1000 languages in the world. With International Vocabulary (IV) everyone wins. Everyone can still speak their own native language while being able to communicate using international words.
The inter-language vocabulary makes inter-language communication easily possible in a short time to all humans. More people can learn it because it makes much less demand on time for memorization. It is not meant to replace any language rather studies show that once IV is learned it facilitates learning other languages. This inter-language vocabulary provides the opportunity, and most time-efficient potential way for every human to be able to communicate with every other human on this planet.

Lesson 39.

Days of the week
Dimancho Lundo Mardo Merkredo Jhauhdo Vendredo Sabato
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

You will find the Months of the year in the vocabulary at the end of this document.

Additional vocabulary can be looked up also at the end of this document or in any of the several free dictionaries available n the internet. Start with

End lesson 39.


MOST NECESSARY GRAMMAR, Can be learned in an hour to a day.  It is on the next 16 lines.
The rules of grammar below have no exceptions.
The definite article 'la' remains same for all cases, sexes and numbers. No indefinite article is needed. No genders to learn.
All words are pronounced as spelled. No exceptions.
Accent is always on the next to last syllable.
All adjectives end with a, number & case same as with nouns. flora [floral]  helpa [helping] No exceptions.
Adverbs end in e, have same comparison as adjectives. helpe [helping] No exceptions.
The basic numerals do not vary for case. Tens and hundreds are formed by junction of numerals. Ordinals are formed by addition of a. (3rd = tria) All a matter of simple vocabulary.
All nouns end in o, 'tomato' j forms all plurals 'tomatoj' pronounced like the oy in boy.
This is much clearer than the s sound over distance or noise. No exceptions.
Possessives formed by adding a; no change with sex or number.  mia [mine]
Verbs do not change with person or number; are formed by adding: as present, is past, os future,
  helpas [helps]  helpis [helped]  helpos [will help]  All verbs are regular.  No exceptions.
Simple junction forms compound words, chief word at end. birdnesto [birdnest]
New words which majority of languages have taken from one source undergo no change except to conform to simple efficient spelling.  Most of the vocabulary is made up of international words.
The rest is mostly a matter of vocabulary or seeing an example of wording.
  Lessons 40-50 Affixes Table. Pick a few each day to practice.

The following affixes allow the creation of hundreds of new meanings without having to memorize hundreds of words. The most used ones are "in, il, mal, ist, ig, et, ej, igh, ec, eg, em, uj, ul, ebl."
-ach This suffix denotes something disgusting AchA vile rotten, KAFAChO Bad coffee, VETERAChO lousy weather
-ad denotes frequent action =ing, DANCADO dancing, PAROLADO yak yak
-ajh concrete idea, NOVAOJ news, MUZIKAO piece of music, DOLCAO sweet item
-an member or inhabitant, ANO member, URBANO urbanite, GRUPANO group member
-ar set of, collection, ARO collection, BIRDARO flock of birds, FLORARO cluster of  flowers
bo- in law, bofrato brother-in-law
dis- scattering disa dispersed, distribio distribute
-ebl possibility, = able, = ibla, EBLA possible, UZEBLA useable
-ec abstract quality, ECO a quality, AMIKECO friendship, KLARECO clarity, liber free libereco freedom
-eg great in degree, EGA greatly BOATEGO huge boat, GRANDEGA tremendous
-ej place characterized by, EJO place, KAFEJO cafe, LERNEJO school
ek- beginning of an action, or momentary, EKBRILI flash, EKRIGARDI to glance
eks- former, ex, EKSPREZIDANTO ex-president
-em tendency, EMO inclination, LAUhTEMA loud, PLUVEMA rainy
-end that must be done, SOLVENDA must be solved, TROVENDA must be found
-er small part of a whole, ERO a unit, SUKERERO grain of sugar
-estr leader, ESTRO leader, URBESTRO mayor
-et small, ETA tiny, INFANETO baby, RUGhETA
fi- shame, FI! Shame! FIA shameful FIVORTO a foul word
ge- both sexes, GEFILOJ children, GEAVOJ grandparents
-id offspring of, IRELANDIDO Irish, KATIDO kitten
-ig to cause something, = make IGI to cause, KLARIGI clarify, FACILIGI facilitate (With intransitive verbal roots igi forms transitive verb and takes an object.) BLANKIGI to make white
-igh to become something, igh to become, PLENIGhI to become full, NASKIGhI be born (With a transitive verbal root igh forms an intransitive verb.) Ni vekas (wake) la infanon. La infano vekighas (wakes). Verbs in ighi are intransitive and take no
direct object. BLANKIGhI to become white, RUGhIGhI to redden, blush
-il tool, ilo tool, skribilo writing instrument
-in female of, ina feminine, virino woman, ino female
-ind worthy of, INDA worthy, ADMIRINDA admirable, RESPEKINDA respectable
-ing holder of, POTINGO potholder GLASINGO glass holder
-ism shows a practice or doctrine. homamismo humanitarianism
-ist shows who does what is shown by the root word. SCIENCISTO scientist, HOMAMISTO humanitarian (One who cares about his fellow human beings) ARTISTO artist, DENTISTO dentist, MUZIKISTO musician
mal- opposite, MALA opposite, MALPURA dirty, MALALTA low not high
mis- mis-, wrongly, MISUZI misuse, MISKOMPRENI misunderstand
-obl multiple, MULTOBLE multiple, TRIOBLA triple
-on- denotes fractions, ONO a fraction of, TRIONO a third
-op- used to name a collective, DUOPE two at a time
pra- remoteness of relationship or time PRAPRAAVO
great-great-grandfather, PRATIPO prototype, PRAHOMO caveman
re- repetition, REE again, RELEGAS reread RENOVI renew
-um special, no fixed meaning BUTIKUMI go shopping,

Lessons 50-60 Correlatives. Pick a few of these each day to practice.

Words for who, what, where, how, how much, and whose are called correlatives and have been efficiently systemized.
First the indefinite is formed as follows:
ia means some QUALITY, ial means some REASON,
iam means some TIME, ie means some PLACE,
iel means some MANNER, ies means someone's possession,
io means some THING, iom means some QUANTITY,
iu means some INDIVIDUALITY (usually someone).

The K is used to form QUESTIONS

Kia what kind; Kial why; Kiam when; Kie where; Kiel how, as;
Kio what thing; Kiom what quantity; Kiu who; Kies whose.
T forms the DEFINITE Tia that kind, such; Tial therefore; Tiam then; Tie there; Tiel so,
in that way; Tio that thing; Tiom that quantity; Tiu that person
Ch is added to mean all, or every. Chia each kind; Chial for every reason; Chiam always; Chie everywhere;
Chiel in every way; Chio everything; Chiom all of it; Chiu everyone
NEN is added to mean no or none NENio nothing; NENiom none; NENiu no one; NENie nowhere

Lessons 60 and up are to use this language at least ten minutes a day. Practice making up sentences from daily life. Review all of the lessons. Obtain more reading material. It is available free on the Internet or from ELNA.

This language also has hundreds of proverbs.
A loyal friend is a most beautiful treasure. Amiko fidela estas trezoro plej bela.
They are in a book called Proverbaro.  Remember aro means a group or collection of.

The following are some common sayings.

Make love and kindness the standard of human conduct. Faru amon kaj afableco la normo de homa konduto.
Ni deziras paco. We want peace. One is what one thinks. Oni estas kion oni pensas.
En mia mano mi havas libron. In my hand I have a book. Jesus said love one another. Jesuo diris amu unu la alian.

TO BE A SUCCESS THINK SUCCESS. Chu vi sukcesos, pensu sukceson.

The most important words in human relations

La plej grava vortoj en homa rilatoj I admit I made a mistake. Mi diras mi faris misfaron. I like your actions. Mi shatas via agoj. What is your opinion? Kio estas via opinio? Please Mi Petas. THANK YOU. DANKON.
The most important word La plej grava vorto WE NI;  The least important word La plej malgrava vorto me mi
The best way to get something done is to begin. La plej bona vojo por faros ion, estas komenci.

The longest journey starts with a single step. La plej longa vojagho komencas kun unua pashon.


Each morning I am given a new day 1440 minutes to do with whatever I want. I can waste it or use it for good. What I do with this day is important because I have given one day of my life for it. When tomorrow comes today will be gone. I hope I will not regret the price I paid for it. Matene mi ricevas novan tagon, 1440 minutoj por fari kio mi deziras. Mi povas malshpari auh uzi ghin por bonon. Kio mi faras kun chi tiu tago estas grava char mi donis unu tago de mia vivo por ghin. Kiam morgauh venas, hodiauh foriros. Mi esperos mi ne bedauri la prizo mi pagis por ghin.

AS A PERSON THINKS SO ONE WILL BE. Kiel persono pensas do oni estos.

Franklin's Maxims: (Proverboj)

SILENCE. Speak only what will benefit others or yourself. Silenteco. Parolu nur tiu benos alioj auh vin.
ORDER. Let all things have their places. Let each part of your business have its time.
Ordo. Lasu chio havi ilin lokojn. Lasu chiu parto de via afero havi ghin tempon.
RESOLUTION. Resolve to perform what you ought. Perform without fail what you resolve.
Decideco. Decidas fari kio vi devi. Faras sen malsukcesi kio vi decidas.
FRUGALITY. Make no expense but to do good to others or yourself; that is; waste nothing. Shpareco. Ne elpagas sed por fari bonon al alia auh vi; Tio estas; malshparas nenion.
INDUSTRY. Louse no time. Be always employed in something useful. Cut off all unnecessary actions. Laboremeco. Malshparas ne tempon. Chiam laboras en ion utila. Fortondas chio nenecessa agojn.
CLEANLINESS. Tolerate no uncleanliness in body, clothes or habitation. Pureco. Lasu ne malpureco en korpo, vestoj, auh domo.
TRANQUILITY. Be not disturbed at accidents, common or unavoidable, or at trifles. Kalmeco. Ne malkalmigas vin che (akcidentoj), ordinara auh ne avertebla, auh che malgravajhoj.

vintro, prentempo, somero, auhtuno, sezono winter, spring, summer, fall, season
SEEK OPPORTUNITIES! serchu por oportunoj!

The endings and affixes gives you the potential to create thousands of words without having to learn those words as is required in other languages. This results in a great savings of time which spares the you thousands of hours in tedious memorization work. Most of the words in this language and many of the affixes can also be combined to form new words. Examples: am means loving and can be added to almost any word (katama cat loving) Sen (without).

IMPORTANT DOCUMENTS EXAMPLE The following pages show that important documents and literature can be translated into IV with few additional words.


JUSTICE AND PEACE IN THE WORLD. Respekto-Scio de egalaj rajtoj de chiuj membroj de la homara familio estas la baso de libero, justo kaj paco en la mondo... HUMAN RIGHTS SHOULD BE PROTECTED BY RULE OF LAW, homaj rajtoj estu defendataj de rega de la legho ALL HUMAN BEINGS ARE BORN FREE AND EQUAL IN DIGNITY AND RIGHTS... Chiuj homoj estas denaske liberaj kaj egalaj lauh memvaloro kaj rajtoj. AND SHOULD ACT TOWARDS ONE ANOTHER IN A SPIRIT OF BROTHERHOOD. kaj devus konduti unu al alia en spirito de frateco.
libereco kaj persona sekureco.
NO ONE SHALL BE HELD IN SLAVERY Neniu estu tenata en nevolalaboro...
NO ONE SHALL BE SUBJECTED TO TORTURE OR TO CRUEL, INHUMAN... TREATMENT neniu suferu dolora trakto auh kruelan ne homan traktadon.
ALL ARE EQUAL BEFORE THE LAW...Chiuj homoj estas jure egalaj...
AND...TO EQUAL PROTECTION...kaj...egalan defendo per legho
NO ONE SHALL BE SUBJECTED TO ARBITRARY ARREST, DETENTION... Neniu suferu nelegha [areston] malliberigon. EVERYONE IS ENTITLED ... TO A FAIR AND PUBLIC HEARING Chiu rajtas je justa kaj publika procezo
ghis oni provos lauhleghe lian nefareco en publika proceso.
NO ONE SHALL BE SUBJECTED TO ARBITRARY INTERFERENCE WITH HIS PRIVACY, FAMILY, HOME OR CORRESPONDENCE... Neniu suferu neleghajn gennojn en sian privatecon, familion, hejmon a korespondadon
EVERYONE HAS THE RIGHT TO FREEDOM OF MOVEMEMT AND RESIDENCE WITHIN THE BOARDERS OF EACH STATE. Chiu havas la rajton libere movighi kaj loghi interne de la limoj de kiu ajn shtato.
EVERYONE HAS THE RIGHT TO OWN PROPERTY. Chiu rajtas proprieti havajhon.

EVERYONE HAS THE RIGHT TO FREEDOM OF THOUGHT, CONSCIENCE AND RELIGION; THIS RIGHT INCLUDES THE RIGHT TO CHANGE HIS RELIGION OR BELIEF... Chiu havas la rajton je libereco de penso, bonapensado kaj religio; tiu chi rajto enhavas la liberecon shanghi sian religion auh kredon.

je libereco de opinio kaj parolado; chi tiu rajto enhavas la liberecon havi opiniojn sen genoj de aliaj, kaj la rajton peti, recevi kaj havigi informojn kaj ideojn per kiu ajn vojo kaj sen konsidere pri la landlimoj.

EVERYONE HAS THE RIGHT TO FREEDOM OF PEACEFUL ASSEMBLY AND ASSOCIATION. Chiu havas la rajton je libereco de pacema kunvenado kaj kun kunigo.

EVERYONE HAS THE RIGHT TO TAKE PART IN THE GOVERNMENT OF HIS COUNTRY, DIRECTLY OR THRU FREELY CHOSEN REPRESENTATIVES. Chiu homo rajtas partopreni en la regadon de sia lando, auh pere de libere elektitaj representantoj. EVERYONE AS A MEMBER OF SOCIETY, HAS THE RIGHT TO SOCIAL SECURITY. Chiu, kiel ano de la socio, havas rajton je socia sekureco...
EVERYONE HAS THE RIGHT TO WORK, TO FREE CHOICE OF EMPLOYMENT, TO JUST AND FAVORABLE CONDITIONS OF WORK AND TO PROTECTION AGAINST UNEMPLOYMENT. Chiu havas rajton je laboro, je libera elekto de sia laboro, je justaj kaj bonaj laborkondicho kaj je protekto kontrauh senlaboreco. EVERYONE WITHOUT ANY DISCRIMINATION, HAS THE RIGHT TO EQUAL PAY FOR EQUAL WORK. Chiu, sen ia [diskriminacio], rajtas ricevi egalan monon pro egala laboro. EVERYONE WHO WORKS HAS THE RIGHT TO JUST AND FAVORABLE REMUNERATION ENSURING FOR HIMSELF AND HIS FAMILY AN EXISTENCE WORTHY OF HUMAN DIGNITY, AND SUPPLEMENTED, IF NECESSARY, BY OTHER MEANS OF SOCIAL PROTECTION. Chiu, kiu laboras, rajtas ricevi justan kaj bonan mono, kiu certigu por li mem kaj por lia familio ekziston por homa valoreco, kaj kiun havu alia subteno, la necese, aliaj helpoj de social protekto.
EVERYONE HAS THE RIGHT TO REST AND LEISURE, INCLUDING REASONABLE LIMITATION OF WORKING HOURS AND PERIODIC HOLIDAYS WITH PAY. Chiu havas rajton je ripozo kaj libertempo, kaj sufichan limigon de la laborhoroj kaj periodajn liber semajnon kun mono. EVERYONE HAS THE RIGHT TO A STANDARD OF LIVING ADEQUATE FOR THE HEALTH AND WELL-BEING OF HIMSELF AND OF HIS FAMILY, including food, clothing, housing and medical care and necessary social services, and the right to security in the event of unemployment, sickness, disability, widowhood, old age or other lack of livelihood in circumstances beyond his control. Chiu havas rajton je vivnivelo suficha por la sano kaj bonekzisto de si mem kaj de sia familio, kun nutrajho, vestajhoj, loghejo kaj medicina bezonoj kaj necesaj sociaj servoj, kaj la rajton je sekureco en okazo de senlaboreco, malsano, malkapablo, morto de edzo, maljuneco auh alia manko de la vivhelpoj pro kondichoj ekster sia povo.

EVERYONE HAS THE RIGHT TO EDUCATION. Education shall be free, at least in the elementary and fundamental stages. Elementary education shall be compulsory. Technical and professional education shall be made generally available and higher education shall be equally accessible to all on the basis of merit. Chiu havas rajton je edukigho. La edukado estu senpaga, en la elementa kaj baza niveloj. La elementa edukado estu deviga. La teknika kaj porprofesia edukado estu ghenerale habebla, kaj pli alta edukado estu egale havebla por chiuj lauh ties meritoj. Education shall be directed to the full development of the human personality and to the strengthening of respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms. It shall promote understanding, tolerance and friendship among all nations, racial or religious groups, and shall further the activities of the
United Nations for the maintenance of peace. Edukado celu la plenan kreskas de la homa personeco kaj plifortigon de la respekto al la homaj rajtoj kaj bazaj liberecoj. Gi kreskigu komprenon, toleron kaj amikecon inter chiuj nacioj, [rasaj] auh religiaj grupoj, kaj antauhenigu la agadon de Unuighintaj Nacioj por tenas de paco.

The following are some quotes from the Bible on the theme of love. Again these are presented to demonstrate that most common communication can be communicated by basic Esperanto with just a few extra words.

"The message you heard from the beginning [was] that we are to love one another." La vortoj, kiun vi auhdis de la komenco, ke ni amu unu la alian. I Johano 3:11. . . We love one another because love is from God and everyone who loves is a child of God and knows God. WHOEVER DOES NOT LOVE DOES NOT KNOW GOD

BECAUSE GOD IS LOVE. Ni amu unu la alian; char la amo estas el Dio; kaj chiu kiu amas, naskighas el Dio; kaj kion konas, kiu ne amas, tiu ne konas Dion, char Dio estas amo. I Johano 4:7 NO ONE HAS EVER SEEN GOD, IF WE  RECIPROCATE (LOVE ONE ANOTHER), GOD LIVES IN US AND HIS LOVE IS MADE PERFECT IN US.
Dion neniu iam vidis; se ni agas simile nin amas, Dio restas en ni, kaj Lia amo plibonighas en ni. I Johano 4:12

GOD IS LOVE AND ONE WHO ABIDES IN LOVE ABIDES IN GOD, AND GOD ABIDES IN HIM. Dio estas amo kaj kiu restas en amo tiu restas en Dio, kaj Dio restas en li. I Johano 4:16

Novan ordonon mi donas al vi, ke vi amu unu alian. Sankta Johano 13:34

AND I WILL ASK THE FATHER, AND HE WILL GIVE TO YOU ANOTHER HELPER...WHO IS THE SPIRIT OF TRUTH. Kaj mi petos la Patron, kaj Li donos al vi alian helpanto...tiu estas La Spirito de la Vero. Johano 14:16

de homoj kaj sed ne havus amon, mi farighus soni de bruega sonorilo .... sed ne havus amon, mi estus nenio. Kaj se mi disdonus mian tutan havon por nutri la malsatulojn, kaj se mi lasus mian korpon por forbrulo, sed ne havus amon, per tio ne neniom profitus. Amo longe suferas, kaj bonfaras; amo ne tro shatas; amo ne tro parolas pri mem, ne achagas sin, ne kondutas nebone, ne celas por si mem, ne kolerighas, ne pripensas malbonon, ne ghojas pri maljusteco, sed kunghojas kun vereco, ...
Restas do nun fido, espero, amo tiuj tri; kaj la plej granda el ili estas amo. 1 Korintanoj 13:1-13
THE PAY OF SIN IS DEATH BUT THE GIFT OF GOD IS ETERNAL LIFE IN ChRIST JESUS. La pago de malbonago estas morto; sed la donaco de Dio estas senfina vivo en Krist Jesuo. Romanoj 6:23
YOU ARE THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD. Vi estas la lumo de la mondo.
YOUR LIGHT MUST SHINE BEFORE PEOPLE SO THAT THEY WILL SEE THE GOOD THINGS YOU DO AND GIVE PRAISE TO YOUR FATHER IN HEAVEN. Via lumo devas lumi anta homoj, por ke ili vidu viajn bonajn farojn, kaj donas bonan vortojn pri vian Patron, kiu estas en la chielo. Mateo 5:12,16

DO NOT SAVE RICHES FOR YOURSELF ON EARTH WHERE INSECTS AND RUST CONSUME AND THIEVES COME IN AND STEAL BUT LAY UP TREASURERS IN HEAVEN... BECAUSE WHERE YOUR TREASURES ARE SO WILL YOU HEART BE ALSO. Ne retenas al vi valorojn sur la tero, kie insektoj kaj rusto manghas, kaj kie shtelistoj eniras kaj shtelas. Sed retenas vi valorojn en la chielo... car kie estas via trezoro, tie estos ankauh via koro. Mateo 6:19

WHAT YOU DESIRE THAT OTHERS DO TO YOU, YOU ALSO MUST DO TO THEM. Kion vi deziras, ke la homoj faru al vi, vi ankauh devu fari al ili. YOU WILL KNOW THE TRUTH AND THE TRUTH WILL MAKE YOU FREE. Vi scios la veron, kaj la vero vin liberigos.

WHO AMONG YOU IS WISE AND UNDERSTANDING SHOULD PROVE IT BY HIS GOOD LIFE, GOOD DEEDS.... Kiu inter vi estas sagha kaj komprena elmontru per bona vivado, bonajn farojn.... James 3:13
REWARDS ARE WITH ME TO REPAY TO THOSE ACCORDING TO THEIR DEEDS. Premioj estas kun mi por repagi al chiu lauh lia faro. Apokalipso 22:12
End of literature quotations.

  There have been several scientific studies done. For example famed educational psychologist Edward Thorndike verified the ease of learning. (Thorndike)  Scientific references are listed in the book "Important International Language Research" and is available for $4.98 plus $1.50 shipping. Available from

In late 1995 an analysis was done on the 1000 most frequently used English words on the internet. The 1000 words came from 343,945,617 total words by Rick Walker from one year of internet Usenet newsgroup messages. The analysis showed that only 397 International Vocabulary morphemes were required to form the 783 most used English words. The remaining items were: proper nouns such as names of persons; letters of the alphabet, parts of addresses, technical abbreviations or duplicate words.

The analysis shows that this vocabulary only requires about one half of the number of words to be memorized than English for the most common 1000 English words. This analysis agreed with one done on the 1000 most common words based on the 5 million word American Heritage Dictionary Corpus. Anyone may easily verify the correctness of this analysis. This shows that this basic International Vocabulary is most suited for internet usage.

Research also shows that IV requires only about one quarter the number of words to be memorized in total. What all that adds up to is that this vocabulary can enable persons to communicate directly between languages in significantly less time and with significantly less cost.

By using simple prefixes and suffixes thousands of words can be formed with specific meanings that are quite useable and concise if and when that particular word is needed all without having to memorize that word in advance. 850 basic roots can form over 50,000 practical meanings.

With International Vocabulary one can often say in one word what takes several words to say in English.

IV can be found in international news groups such as soc.culture.esperanto and alt.uu.lang.esperanto.misc. On the internet use Google to search for the word Esperanto. There are hundreds of free items. The Flavoj Paghoj de Esperanto and Adresaro list hundreds of contacts. There are several free dictionaries available.

Other classes are held at other universities in the USA and in many other countries.

Basic INTER-LANGUAGE VOCABULARY follows.  The most frequently used roots are capitalized. [Brackets indicate a roughly similar English word as an aid to memorization. If there is no definition the meaning is the same as the word in bracket.] add: o to form noun, a to form adjective, as to form present tense verb, is to form past tense os future, and e to form all adverbs. Add j to form plural.

acid acid, sour
ADRES [address]
aer [air]
AFABL kind [affable]
AFER [affair] business matter
AG act
AGh [age]
AGRABL [agreeable] pleasant
ajn -ever
AKCEPT [accept]
akr(a) [accurate] sharp
aktiv [active]
AKV water [aqua]
AL to
alfabet alphabet
alghustig [adjusting] adjustment
ALI(A) [alias] other, else
aligh [allegiance] join (align)
ALT [altitude] high, tall
AM love [amour]
ambauh both
AMIK friend [amicable]
AMUZ  fun
ANGUL [angle] corner
ANKAUh also
ANKORAUh still, yet
ANONC  announce
ANTAUh front, before
-e ahead [ante]
aparat [apparatus]
APART [apart] separate particularly
APER [appear] come in sight
april April
aprob [approve]
APUD beside, nearby
arb-o tree [arboreal]
argument [argument] point
ART [art]
artikol article
asekur insurance [a secure]
asert assert state
asoci association
ASPEKT look [aspect] seem
atak [attack]
ATEND wait [attend]
ATENT [attention],pay
ATING achieve, accomplish [attain]
AUh or
AUhD hear [audio]
auhskult listen [auscultate]
AUhTO [auto]
auhtomat automatic [automat]
auhtoritat [authoritative] authority
AUhTUN [autumn]
auhgust August
auhtoro author
AV grandparent
avantagh advantage
avert warn [avert]
azen ass, donkey
babil chatter, babble
bala sweep
BALDAUh soon
ban bath
banan banana
bank [bank]
basen [basin]
baston stick(wood) [baton]
bat beat, strike
BATAL [battle]
BAZ basic [base]
BEB baby [babe]
BEDAUhR regret
BEL beauty [belle]
ben bless [benediction]
bend tape, band strip
ber berry
BEST animal [beast]
BEZON need
bicikl bicycle
bier beer
bif stek [beef]steak
BILD picture
bilet ticket [bilet]
BIRD [bird]
biskvit biscuit, cracker
bit bit
BLANK white [blank]
blov [blow]
BLU [blue]
BOAT [boat]
bol [boil]
bomb bomb
BON(A) good, well [bon-appetit]
bot boot
botel [bottle]
BRAK arm [brake]
branch [branch]
bret shelf
brik brick, bar of
BRIL bright [brilliant]
bros [brush]
BRU noise [bruit]
brul burn
BRUN [brown]
brust [breast]
bulb [bulb]
bulten-ej bulletin board
bus [bus]
BUsh mouth
buter butter
butik store [boutique]
buton [button]
CHAMBR room [chamber]
chapel hat [cap]
chapitr chapter
charm charm
ChAR as, because
char-o [cart]
chas chase
ChE at, by
ChEF [chief]
chek [check]
cel goal, aim
chemiz shirt [chemise]
chen chain
CENT [cent] hundred
CENTR [center]
cerb brain
CERT(A) [certain]
ches cease
cheval horse
ChI-TIE here
ChI-TIO this
ChI-TIU this one
ChIAM always
CHIE everywhere
ChIEL sky [ceiling]
cigared cigarette
ChIO all, everything
ChIRKAUh [circuit] around
CIRKL [circle]
ChIU everyone
chokolad chocolate
ChU whether
DA quantity of
damagh [damage]
danc [dance]
dangher [danger]
DANK [thank]
dat date
DE [de] of
decembro December
DECID [decide]
defend [defend]
DEK ten [dek]
deklar declare
DEKSTRA right- not-left [dexter]
delikat [delicate]
DEMAND ask question [demand]
DENOVE [of new] again
dens dense
dent tooth [dental]
depend [depend]
DESEGN [design]
detal detail
DEV(AS) must [devoted]
DEZIR [desire]
DI God [divine]
diferenc differ
difin define
digest digest
DIK [thick]
dimancho Sunday
DIR say, tell [directions]
DIREKT [direct]
disk [disk]
diskrimin discriminate
diskut [discuss]
disput dispute
DISTANC [distance]
DIVERS various
DIVID [divide]
DO so
doktor [doctor]
dokument document
DOLCH [dolce-sweet]
dolor pain, hurt [dolor]
DOM house [domicile]
DON give [donate]
DORM sleep [dormant]
dors back
dosier dossier, file
DU [dual] two
-on half [duo]
dub doubt
DUM during
EBEN even [even] flat
EBLE maybe [possIBLE] perhaps
ECh even
EDUK [educate]
EDZ marry, spouse
efektiv actual
efik effect
EGAL equal [egalitarian]
ekonomi economy
ekskurs excursion
ekspozici exposition
EKSTER outside [exterior]
ekvilibr balance [equilibrium]
ekzakt [exact]
ekzamen examine
EKZEMPL [example]
ekzerc [exercise]
EKZIST [exist]
EL out [el, elan] from
elekt elect
ELEKTR [electric]
element element
EN [en] in
ENERGI [energy]
erar error
ESPER hope [esperance]
esplor explore
esprim express
EST is, be [established]
ESTIM esteem
esting extinguish
ESTR leader
event event
eventual contingent
evident evident
evit evade
evolu evolve
fabel [fabel]
fabrik factory
FACIL easy [facilitate]
fajf [fife] whistle
FAJR [fire]
FAK specialist department, [facet]
faks [fax]
FAKT [fact]
FAL [fall]
fald fold
fals false
fam fame
FAMILI [family]
FAR make, do
FARM [farm]
februaro February
FELICh [felicity] happy
FENESTR window [fenestration]
FER-o iron [ferrous]
feri holiday
FERM close [firmly]
FEST party [festivity] celebrate
fid [fidelity] trust
fidel faithful
fikci fiction
fiks [fix] in place
FIL son [filial]
film [film]
FIN [final] finish, end
financ finance
FINGR [finger]
firma firm
FISh [fish]
fizik physics
flag [flag]
FLANK side [flank]
FLAV yellow [flavin]
fleks [fleks] bend
FLOR flower [floral]
flu flow current
FLUG [fly]
FOJ times
FOR [for] off, away
forges forget
fork [fork]
FORM [form]
FORT [fort] strong, force
forum forum
FOT(O) [photo]
fram [frame]
FRAP [frap] hit
FRAT brother [frat]
FRAUhL [frau] unmarried person
FRAZ sentence [phrase]
FREMD(a) strange
frenez [frenzied] mad, insane
fresh fresh
frost freeze
frot rub [frotage]
FRU early
frukt [fruit]
fum smoke [fumes]
fund bottom [fundament] foundation
funkci [function]
gajn gain
gharden garden
GAS [gas]
gast [guest] entertain
GAZET newspaper [gazette]
GhEN trouble
GhENERAL in-general [general]
ghentil [gentle] polite
GENU knee
GhI it
GhIS until
ghu enjoy
ghust just, exact
GLACI ice [glacial]
GLAS [glass]
glit slide [glide]
glob [globe] ball
GLU [glue]
GhOJ [joy]
grad degree [grade]
grajn grain
gram [gram]
gramatik grammar
GRAND great [grand] big large, size
gras [grease] fat
gratul congratulate
GRAV [grave] important
grajn grain, seed
GRES [grass]
GRIMP climb
GRIZ [grey]
GRUP [group]
gust taste [gusto]
gut [gutta] drip, drop
gvid guide
HALT [halt] stop
HAR [hair]
harmoni [harmony]
HAUhT skin
HAV [have]
haven harbor
hazard hazard
HEJM [home]
hejt heat
hel bright [heli]light-
HELP [help]
herb herb
hierarki hierarchy
HIERAUh yesterday [heretofore]
HISTORI [history]
hobi hobby
HODIAUh today
hok hook
HOM human [homosapien]
honest honest
honor honor
hont shame
HOR [hour]
horlogh clock [hourlog]
hospital hospital
hotel [hotel]
HUND [hound] dog
IAM sometime-s, once, EVER
IDE [idea]
ideal ideal
ie somewhere
iel somehow
ies someone's
ILI they, them
ilust ilustrate
imag imagine
imit imitate
impost tax
impuls impulse
imun immune
indik indicate
individu [individual]
industri industry
INFAN child [infant]
INFORM [inform]
ink ink
inkluziv inclusive
insekt [insect]
insist insist
INSTRU [instruct]
instrument [instrument]
inteligent [intelligent]
INTENC [intention]
INTER [inter] between, among
INTERES [interest]
INTERN [internal]
interpret interpret
invad invade
invit [invite]
IO something
iom any, some, a little
IR(AS) go
IU some- one (person)
ja indeed
jak jacket
JAM already
januar January
JAR [year]
jhauhd Thursday
jhele jelly
jen behold
JES [yes]
jhet throw [jet]
jugh [judge]
juli July
JUN [young]
juni June
jup skirt
JhUS [just] just now
just fair [just]
jhurnal newspaper
juvel jewel
kaf [coffee]
KAJ and
kalendr calender
kalkul calculate
kalm [calm]
KAMP field [camp]
KANT sing [cantor]
KAP head [cap]
kapabl capable
KAPT catch [capture]
KAR [cherish] dear
KART [card]
kash [cache] hide
kased [casette]
kat [cat]
KAUhZ [cause]
kav hollow [cave] tub
kaz case
KE that
kel cellar
KELK a few
kemi [chemical]
KEST [chest]
KIA what kind of
KIAL why
KIAM when
KIE where
KIEL how,as
kies whose
kilo [kilo] kilogram, kilometr
KIO what
kiom how much, how many
kis [kiss]
KIU who
KLAR [clear]
KLAS [class]
klub club
KNAB boy -ino girl
kok chicken [cock]
kol [column] neck
KOLEKT [collect]
koler angry
KOLOR [color]
komb comb
KOMENC start [commence]
koment comment
komerc [commercial] business
komfort [comfort]c-able
komis commission
komitat committe
kompani [company]
KOMPAR [compare]
kompat compassion
kompil compile
kompleks complex
KOMPLET [complete]
KOMPREN [comprehend]
KOMPUT [compute]
KOMUN [common]
komunik [communicate]
KON [know] be acquainted with
koncern [concern]
kondich [condition] stipulation
KONDUK drive [conduct]
kondut behave [conduct]
KONEKT [connect]
kongres congress
konkret concrete, not abstract
konkur compete [concorse]
konsci conscious
konsent consent
konserv keep, preserve
konsider [consider]
konsil council, advise
konsist consist
konstant constant
KONSTRU [construct]
konsult consult
kont [account]
kontakt [contact]
KONTENT [content] satisfied
KONTRAUh against, opposite [kontra contrary]
konversac conversation
konvink convince
KOPI [copy] imitation
KOR [core] heart
korb basket [corbeil]
kord [cord]
KOREKT [correct]
KORESPOND correspond
KORP body [corpse]
kort court, area
KOST [cost]
kostum costume
koton cotton
KOVR [cover]
krajon [crayon] pencil
kre [create]
KRED [creed] belief
kredit [credit]
KRESK [increase]
KRI [cry]
krim crime
KROM besides
krizo emergency
kruel [cruel]
KRUR leg [cursorial]
kub [cube]
KUIR cook
kuk cake [cook]
kuler spoon [culinary]
KULTUR [culture]
KUN [cum] with, together
kupon coupon
KUR [cursor] run
kuragh courage
kurb curve [curb]
kurs course
kurten [curtain]
kush [cushy] recline
kusen cushion
kuz cousin
kvalit [quality]
kvankam although
kvant [quantity]
KVAR four [quarter]
kverel quarrel
KVIN five [quinate]
LA [la] the
LABOR [labor]
LAC(A) tired [lackadaisical]
lag [lake]
LAKT [laktose] milk
lamp lamp
LAND [land] country
LARGh [large] wide
LAS [let]
LAST [last]
LAUh along
laud praise
lauht [loud]
LAV wash [lave]
lecion lesson
LEG [legible] read
legh [legal] law
LERN [learn]
LETER [letter]
lev lift, raise
LI he, him
LIBER [liberty] free
LIBR [library] book
LIG [ligate] to tie
likv [liquid]
LIM [limit]
LINGV language [lingual]
LINI [line]
lip [lip]
LIST [list]
LIT bed
liter [letter] of alphabet
literatur [literature]
litr [liter]
LOGh [lodge] live at
LOK [location]
LONG [long]
lu rent (livery)
LUD [ludicrous] game, play
LUM [luminous] light
LUN moon [lunar]
lund Monday
maj May
MAL [malpractice] opposite affix
MAN [manual] hand
MANGh [mangle] eat
manier manner
MANK [manikin] lack
mantel [mantle] coat
MAP [map]
MAR sea [marine]
mard [mardigras] Tuesday
MARK [mark]
marsh march
mart March
MAShIN [machine]
mastr master
MATEN morning [matinal]
material [material]
matur mature
medicin science of [medicine]
MEM [memoir] himself, self
membr member
MEMOR(I) [memory] remember
menu menu
merit [merit]
merkred Wednesday
mesagh message
MET [mete] put
metal [metal]
METOD [method]
metr [meter]
MEZ [mezzo] middle
MEZUR [measure]
MI [me] I
miks [mix]
MIL thousand [mil]
milion [million]
MILIT war [military]
minus [minus]
MINUT [minute]
MIR marvel [miraculous]
mis [mis]
MODERN [modern]
modest modest
mok mock
MOL(A) soft
MOMENT [moment]
MON [money]
MONAT [month]
MOND world
MONT [mount]ain
MONTR show
mord bite [mordacious]
MORGAUh tomorrow
MORT death [mortality]
MOTOR [motor]
MOV [move]
MULT [multi], many
MUR [mural] wall
mus mouse
MUZIK [music]
NACI [national]
nagh swim
najbar neighbor
najl nail
NASK birth
NAUh nine
NATUR nature
nauhz disgust
naz [nose]
NE [negative]no, not
nebul fog
NECES [necessary]
NEGh snow
nek nor
NENI- [ninny do nothing] none
NEP grandson
nerv nerve
neuhtral [neutral]
nev nephew
NI we -a our
NIGR black [negro]
nivel level
nod node, knot
NOKT [night]
NOM [name]
nombr number of
NORD [north]
norm [norm]
normal normal
NOT [note]
NOV [new]
novembr November
NU well
NUB cloud [nimbus]
nud nude
NUL zero [null]
NUMER [number](itself)
NUN now
NUR only
NUTRAJh food [nutrient]
obe obey
OBJEKT [object]
observ observ
odor [odor]
OFIC [office]
oficial official
OFT [often]
OK [octagon] eight
OKAZ happen by chance [occasion]
Okcident west [occident]
oktobr Oktober
OKUL eye [okulist]
OKUP-it [occupied] occupation, field
OL than
OLE [oil]
ombrel umbrella
OND wave
ONI [one] person
ONKL uncle
operaci operation
OPINI [opinion]
oportun [opportunity] convenient
OR [ore] -o gold
orangh [orange]
ORD [order]
ordinar ordinary
ordon order
OREL ear [aural]
ORGANIZ [organize]
orient east [orient]
original orginal
OV egg [ova]
PAC [peace]
pacienc patience
paf shoot [puff] -il gun
PAG [pay]
PAGh [page]
pak [pack]
PALP [palpate] feel
PAN [panada] bread
pantalon pants [pantaloon]
PAPER [paper]
par pair
paralel parallel
PARDON [pardon]
park park
PAROL speak [parol]
PART [part]
PAS [pass]
pash step
PATR [paternal] parent, father
pec [piece]
PEN try [penetrate]
PEND hang [pendant]
PENS think [pensive]
PER [per] by
PERD loss [perdition]
perfekt perfect
PERIOD [period]
permes permit
persist [persist]
PERSON [person]
PET request [petition]
PEZ weight, heavy
PIED [pedi-cure] foot
PINT [point]
PLACH [placate] please
PLAN [plan]
PLANK floor [plank]
PLANT [plant]
plastik [plastic]
PLEJ most
PLEN [plenty] full
PLEZUR [pleasure]
PLI more
PLU further
plus plus
PLUV [pluvial] rain
poem poem
poent point
poez poetry
polic [police]
POLITIK [politics]
polv dust [pulverize]
pom apple
pont bridge [pontine]
POPOL people [population]
POPULAR [popular]
POR [for]
PORD [portal] door
pork [pig]
PORT wear, carry [portable]
posh [pocket]
POSED own [posses]
POST [post] after, later, behind
POShT [postage]
postul demand
pot [pot]
POTENC power [potential]
POV able, can
PRAKTIKput into [practice]
pozitiv [positive]
prav be right
precip main
preciz precise
prefer [prefer]
pregh [prey]
prem press
PREN take
PREPAR prepare
PRES [press] print
PRESKAUh almost
preskrib prescribe
PRET ready [prettension]
PREZ [price]
PREZENT introduce [present]
prezid preside
PRI about [primary]
princip principle
printemp spring
privat [private]
PRO [pro] for
PROBABL [probable]
PROBLEM [problem]
procez process
PRODUKT [product]
profes profession
profit [profit]
PROFUND deep [profound]
program program
progres progress
projekt project
PROKSIM near [proximity]
promen walk
promes promise
propon offer [proponent]
protekt protect
protest protest
prov [prove]
proz prose
pruv prove
PUBLIK [public]
pulvor powder [pulverize]
pump [pump]
pun [punish]
punkt [point]
PUR [pure]
push [push]
rad [radial] wheel
radik root [radical]
RADI [radio] ray
rajd [ride]
RAJT [right] entitled to
RAKONT story [recount]
RAND edge [rand] rim
RAPID [rapid]
raport [report]
rat [rat]
rav delight ravish
raz razor shave
real real
REG control [regulate]
REGION [region]
REGISTAR government [registrar]
regul regular
reklam [reclame] advertisement
rekomend [recommend]
REKORD [record]as in  best
REKT straight [rectitude]
relativ [relative]
religi [religion]
RENKONT [re-know] meet
respekt [respect]
RESPOND answer [respond]
REST [rest] remain, stay
restoraci restaurant
ret net [reticulate]
revu review
rezerv reserve
REZULT [result]
ribel rebel
RICh [rich]
RICEV [receive]
RID (rid of)laugh
rifuz refuse
RIGARD look- at [regard]
RILAT [relate]
RIMARK observe
RING [ring]
ripar [repair]
ripet [repeat]
RIPOZ [repose] rest
ritm rhythm
RIVER [river]
riz rice
rob dress [robe]
rok [rock]
rol role
ROMP break (in-two)
ROND [round]
rost roast
roz rose
rub [rubbish]
rubrik rubric
RUGh red [rouge]
rul [roll]
sabat [sabbath] Saturday
sagh [sage] wise
ShAJN seem
sak [sack]
sal [salt]
salat [salad]
salon salon
salt jump [salacious]
SALUT [salute]
SAM [same]
SAN healthy [sanitary]
ShANC [chance]
sandvic [sandwich]
SANG blood [sanguine]
ShANGh [change]
sap soap [saponaceous]
sharg charge load
SAT [satiated]
ShAT like, prefer
sauhc [sauce]
SAV save
scen scene
SCI [science] know
SCIENC [science]
SE if
SED but
SEGh seat
SEK [sec] dry
sekret secret
sekretari secretary
seks [sex]
sekund [second]
SEKUR [secure]
SEKV follow [secund]
SEM [semen] seed
SEMAJN week [semi]
SEN without [sans]
SENC [sense] meaning
SEND [send]
sens sense, faculty
SENT feeling [sentiment]
SEP seven [septet]
septembr September
serch seek [search]
seri series
SERIOZ serious
SERV [serve] service
SES [six]
sezon [season]
ShI [she] her
SID [sit]
SIGN [sign]
SIGNIF [signify] mean
silent [silent]
silk silk
SIMIL(A) like [similar]
SIMPL [simple]
SINCER [sincere]
SINJOR Mr. [sinor]
ship ship
shir shear tear
SISTEM [system]
SITUACI [situation]
SKAL [scale]
skatol box
SKRIB write [scribble]
sku shake [scutch]
ShLOS lock [sclero]
shmir [smear] spread
soci [society]
shok [shock]
SOL [solo] only
soldat soldier
solid [solid]
solv [solve]
SOMER [summer]
SON [sound]
sovagh savage
shovel shovel
SPAC [space]
shpar [spare] save
SPEC sort [species]
SPERT [expert] experience
spir breath [respire]
spirit [spirit]
SPORT [sport]
shpruc [spray]
shrauhb screw
STACI station
stamp stamp
STAR [star] stand
stat [status]
ShTAT [state]
STEL star [stellar]
shtel steal
stomak stomach
shton ston
shtop stop, plug clog
STRANG [strange]
STRAT [street]
strech [stretch]
shtrump [stocking]
STUD [study]
student student
shtup [step]
ShU [shoe]
SUB [sub] under
SUBIT sudden
substanc substance
SUD [south]
SUFER [suffer]
SUFICH [sufficient]
sugest [suggest]
SUKCES [success]
suker [sugar]
shuld debt, owe [shoulder]
shultr shoulder
SUM [sum]
SUN [sun]
sup [soup]
SUPER [super] above, over
supoz suppose
SUPR top (as supervisor) [supra]
SUR [sur] on
surpriz [surprise]
TABL [table]
tablojd tabloid
TAG day
tajp type
TAMEN however
tarif tariff
tas [taste] cup
task task
te [tea]
team [team]
teatr theater
tegment roof [tegular]
TEKNIK [technical]
tekst text
TELEFON [telephone]
teler plate
televid [TV]
TEM [theme]
TEMP time [temporal]
TEN hold [tenacious]
teori [theory]
TER earth [terrestrial]
terur terrible
TIA such
TIAL therefore
TIAM then
TIE there
TIEL in that way
TIM [timid] fear
TIO that
TIR pull [tire]
TIU that one
toler [tolerate]
tomato tomato
tond cut with scissors
tord [toroid] twist
TRA [track] thru
tradici tradition
TRADUK [translate]
trafik [traffic]
trajn train
tram tram
TRANCH cut [trenchant]
trankvil trankquil
TRANS [trans] across
TRE very
TRI three [tri]
TRINK [drink]
TRO too-much
TROV [trove] find
TRU hole [thru]
trup troop
tualet toilette
tub [tube]
tuj immediately
tuk cloth, napkin [tuck]
tur tower
turism tourism
turist tourist
TURN [turn]
tus cough
tush [touch]
TUT [total]
ung [ungual] fingernail
universal universal
universitat university
UNU one [unit]
URB [urban] city
urgh [urge] urgent
util [utility] useful
UZ [use]
vagon [wagon] train car
valid valid
VALOR [valor] value
vapor vapor, steam
VARM [warm]
vast vast
vegetal [vegetable]
vek [wake] awake
VEN [venue] come
VEND [vender]
vendred friday
venen poison [venom]
venk victory, win [vanquish]
VENT wind as air [vent]
VER true, real [veracious]
VERD green [verdant]
verk work
vers verse
versh pour
VESPER [vesper] evening
VEST [vest] -oj clothes
VETER [weather]
VETUR [venture] travel by vehicle
VI you
VIAND meat [viand]
vic row [vicisitude]
VID [vide] see (as vision)
vigl [vigil] vigilent, alert
vilagh vllage
vin wine
VINTR [winter]
VIR [virile] man -in woman
vish [viscous] wipe
VIV live [vivacious] (as revive)
VIZAGh [visage] face
VIZIT visit
VOCh [voice]
VOJ [voyageur] road, way
VOJAGh [voyage] journey
VOK call [vocal]
VOL [will] (as volunteer)
VOLV wrap wind
VORT [word]
vund [wound]
zon zone, belt
ZORG care
zum buzz, hum, zoom

In general the letters are pronounced as in English except for these BELOW.
a like the a in father
e like the e in get
i like the i in machine
o like the o in note
u like the oo in food
aj like the y in my
auh like the ou in out
ej like the ay in stay
euh like the o in who
oj like the oy in boy
uj like the ui in ruin
c like the ts sound of ts
ch like the ch in chew
g like the g in go
gh like the g in gem
j like the y in yes
jh like the s in pleasure
s like the s in set
sh like the sh in ship
uh like the w in now
Each letter has only one sound.  for AEIOU say "Pa, let me go too."  Normally the five letters "ch, gh, jh, sh, and uh" are written with a hat ^ over them. However when this is not possible or convenient an "h" may be substituted for the hat ^. Also on the internet sometimes an x is substituted.  There are six letters that wear a hat (alternatively they may have an "h" placed after them to indicate precisely the sound of that letter)  This is like the hard g pronounced as in get verses the soft g written with a ^ over it or an h after it pronounced as in gem.
The alphabet consists of the following letters:  Each has only one sound. Aa, Bb, Cc, C^c^, Dd, Ee, Ff, Gg, G^g^, Hh,
Ii, J^, j^, Kk, Ll, Mm, Nn, Oo, Pp, Rr, Ss, S^ ^ Tt, Uu, U^u^, Vv, Zz. There is no Q W X or Y. The consonants are pronounced by adding an "o" to the letter. B is pronounced Bo. The vowels are pronounced by saying their sound. The five letters that have a hat over them may also be written with an "h" following the letter. Remember in elementary school there were hard "g's" and soft "g's". Since each letter has only one sound the simplest way to note the difference internationally is to mark that letter. In this way the pronunciation is precise and always matches the spelling.  This also allows many more international words to be used.
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